Capiz Shells Galore: Exploring the Beauty and Versatility of CB2’s Capiz Collection


CB2, a home furnishing store, has recently launched a new collection featuring capiz shell accents. Capiz shells come from the Capiz Province in the Philippines, where they have been harvested for centuries. These shells are known for their natural luminosity and iridescence, making them a popular choice for home décor. In this article, we will explore the beauty and versatility of CB2’s capiz collection.

History of Capiz

Capiz shells have long been used for decorative purposes due to their natural beauty. They gained popularity during the Spanish colonial period when Capiz Province was one of the Philippines’ leading provinces in terms of wealth and trade. The shells were traded with other countries, and many of them found their way to Europe, where they were used for chandeliers, lampshades, and other decorative items.

What is Capiz?

Capiz shells come from a type of oyster that inhabits the shallow waters surrounding the Capiz Province. These oysters are harvested and the shells are cleaned and polished to reveal their natural iridescence. The shells range in size, but most range from 1.5 to 5 inches in diameter. Capiz shells are known for their ability to reflect light in unique ways, making them a popular choice for lighting fixtures and other decorative items.

CB2’s Capiz Collection

CB2’s Capiz Collection features a range of items, including lighting fixtures, mirrors, coasters, and accessories. The collection combines the natural beauty of capiz shells with modern design elements to create unique, eye-catching pieces. One standout item is the Capiz Orb Chandelier, which features hundreds of capiz shells arranged in a spherical shape to create a stunning lighting fixture. Another standout item is the Capiz Wall Mirror, which uses capiz shell accents to create a border around the mirror, adding a touch of elegance to any room.

Versatility of Capiz

Capiz shells are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of home décor settings. One popular way to use capiz shells is in lighting fixtures, as their natural iridescence creates a stunning effect when lit up. Capiz shells can also be used in table décor, such as coasters and placemats, adding a touch of elegance to any dinner party. In addition, capiz shell accents can be used in furniture design, such as on the border of a coffee table or as drawer pulls to add a unique touch to any piece.

Caring for Capiz

Capiz shells are delicate and require special care to maintain their natural beauty. To clean capiz shells, use a soft cloth and mild soap and water. Do not use abrasive cleaners or scrubbers as they can scratch the shells. In addition, avoid placing capiz shell items in direct sunlight or near heat sources, as this can cause the shells to lose their natural luster.


CB2’s Capiz Collection showcases the natural beauty and versatility of capiz shells in modern home décor. From lighting fixtures to coasters, these shells can add a unique touch to any room. However, it’s important to care for capiz shell items properly to maintain their natural luminosity and iridescence. Such timeless and elegant pieces are worth investing in and adding to yo

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